On 4/16/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Simon Laws wrote:
> On 4/16/07, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm having problems getting XSD includes to load in the databinding
>> itest
>> so am interested to know if we are using a different version of
>> o.a.ws.common.XmlSchema than used to be the case. I'm getting an NPE in
>> this package because the baseUri in the XmlSchemaCollection is not
>> set up
>> correctly. I'm going to dig into why this is the case but if anyone
>> knows
>> why things have changed or is alos getting this effect I would be
>> interested
>> to know.
>> Simon
> OK, so I have not solved this satisfactorily but I have put in a work
> around
> on my machine. I added the following lines to
> WSDLDocumentProcessor.read()
> (the two lines I added are the ones with the comment above them).
>            // Read inline schemas
>            Types types = definition.getTypes();
>            if (types != null) {
>                wsdlDefinition.getInlinedSchemas().setSchemaResolver(new
> URIResolverImpl());
>                for (Object ext : types.getExtensibilityElements()) {
>                    if (ext instanceof Schema) {
>                        Element element = ((Schema)ext).getElement();
>                        // TODO: temporary fix to make includes in
> imported
>                        //       schema work. The XmlSchema library was
> crashing
>                        //       because the base uri was not set. This
> doesn't
>                        //       affect imports.
>                        XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection =
> wsdlDefinition.getInlinedSchemas();
>                        schemaCollection.setBaseUri
> (((Schema)ext).getDocumentBaseURI());
>                        wsdlDefinition.getInlinedSchemas().read(element,
> element.getBaseURI());
>                    }
>                }
>            }
> The scenario I have is:
> WSDL <import..---> XSD <inlcude..---> XSD
> The impact of this change is that the includes are processed BUT they
> processed relative to the base URI I set up, i.e. the URI of of the WSDL
> document not the URI of the XML that includes them. I can work round
> for the time being as all the XSDs are in the same directory (and this
> lets
> me get on and work through the rest of the test) but it's not a generic
> solution. So this needs some more work to either work out how to
> configure
> the XmlSchema library properly or take a look at the latest version to
> see
> if this apparent problem is fixed.
> Simon

Simon, what you've done looks like the right fix to me as an XSD include
from an XML schema inlined in a WSDL document should be loaded relative
to the WSDL document.


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it works fine for XSDs include from the WSDL but I don't think it's
correct for an XSD included in an XML schema which is itself
included/imported into the inline XML schema of a WSDL, i.e. nested
includes. The reasone I am concerned is that the databinding schema don;t
now work in the way that they used to. I've not had a chance to chase the
documentation to find out what the correct behaviour is but I think the old
behaviour was correct.

When I say old behaviour here what I mean is that includes are assumed to be
relative to the file that is including them and not relative to some parent
of that file.


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