On 5/17/07, Mike Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


- any interest in an xslt binding that could take the incoming soap
message and transform it to fit a business domain schema to allow for
cleaner SDO generated object models?

Yes, that would be a very interesting thing.  I've always thought of it
as an implementation type <implementation.xslt.../>, but perhaps doing
it as a binding would work.

We already kind of have support for xslt via the script implementation
because BSF comes with an engine for xslt, so something like:

  <implementation.script script="yourPath/yourTransformer.xsl" />

should do something. The problem is that with the 0.90 release we've not yet
hooked the script implementation up to the Tuscany databinding framework,
I'm not sure what the BSF XSLT engine expects for arguments but i doubt we'd
be giving it what it wants right now. Be really good to get the script
implementation hooked up to the Tuscany databinding framework if anyone
would like to help with that...

  • Re: Mike Edwards
    • Re: Simon Laws
    • Re: ant elder

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