
Replies to some of your questions:

Mike Edwards

I've been using Tuscany M2 for a little while and I had a couple issues:
- implementation.spring seems to be broken.  Is there a target release for this 

I am working on the Spring implementation type - but I am building it for the latest trunk version of the core, not for the M2 release. I doubt that anyone will want to rebuild the Spring implementation type for the M2 release at this stage.

- is there a target release for the spring extension (i.e. <sca:service> and 
<sca:reference>) stuff?

Ditto - all part of the same work to get <implementation.spring.../> working

- any interest in an xslt binding that could take the incoming soap message and 
transform it to fit a business domain schema to allow for cleaner SDO generated 
object models?

Yes, that would be a very interesting thing. I've always thought of it as an implementation type <implementation.xslt.../>, but perhaps doing it as a binding would work.

Is this something that you would like to work on? I'm happy to help show you the ropes....

- I don't currently see any support in the XSD2JavaGenerator for specifying the package name of any imported namespace in a schema. You can specify the package name for the schema you are currently generating objects for, but references to classes generated from imported schemas will be broken. - substitution group support seems to be a little broken in XSD2JavaGenerator when you are substituting for types defined in a schema imported from another namespace. The PackageImpl class generated from the imported schema seems to be missing the necessary fields and causes compile errors.
Apologies if some of this has been answered elsewhere.

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  • Re: Mike Edwards
    • Re: Simon Laws
    • Re: ant elder

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