I will submit the code through JIRA once it is ready. If there is already
documentation about the Tuscany SPIs, I would like to use it, otherwise, the
samples and the Java implementation seem to be quite useful to get started.

OSGi doesn't provide a standard mechanism to start a new runtime, and
different implementations use different classes and methods to start up the
console. It would have been nice if the FrameworkAdmin service could be used
to start up an OSGi runtime within the current VM, but since that doesn't
seem possible, we have to rely on dynamically loading up the runtime that is
available on the classpath.  Equinox has a static method
EclipseStarter.startup() which can be used to start a single OSGi runtime in
a VM. Apache Felix can be started using new Felix.start(properties,
activatorList) which is neater. Knoplerfish runtime can be started using new
Framework().launch(). So I think we can get around the fact that there is no
standard way to embed a OSGi runtime.

We haven't addressed the third aspect that Raymond mentioned (using OSGi as
the underlying technology for SCA containers), so it is very useful to know
that Bill is already working on it. Since this is orthogonal to the work we
are doing, the two can go on in parallel, and yes, it will be good to have
subdirectories under contrib for the three so that the code can be shared.

Thank you....



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