
I'm a bit confused (nothing out of the ordinary there then!) about how we intend to use the new Tuscany Wiki space.

So, the Apache Tuscany space is the material which makes up the external Tuscany website. I understand our desire to control the update of material there - hence there is a restricted list of people who can edit pages there.

So, I thought, perhaps wrongly, that the Tuscany Wiki space was created to be a space "open to all" where any kind of material can be placed by anyone. This includes different sorts of stuff, I think:

a) Material that is being prepared for the Tuscany website, so that it can be checked out before it goes live.

b) Discussion and similar material that is useful to help the work within the Tuscany community, but which may never reach the public website, such as design ideas related to discussions in the mailing list (good example is the stuff Simon Laws has created relating to distributed runtime).

Currently, the material in the Tuscany Wiki space is simply a mirror of the Apache Tuscany space. I don't think that this is right. First, simply repeating everything that is in the main space is confusing at best. Worse, there needs to be some explanation of the use of the space and some specific navigation available, such as where to create new material and, for material intended for the main Tuscany website, some explanation of the process.

I'd like folks views on this. If you agree with me, then I suggest that we should:

a) Rewrite the front page of the Tuscany Wiki to explain its purpose
b) Remove the Tuscany Wiki pages that are mere copies of pages on the main Wiki and adjust the navigation to separate out discussion pages from pages being prepared for the main site c) Provide an explanation of how to write pages intended for the main Tuscany website and the process for getting them there...


Yours,  Mike.

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