I'll raise a JIRA and create a patch for the README issues that I
found, so that they can be fixed in our next release.  They are all
quite minor and I think it's probably not worth putting them in the
face of our users by highlighting them in an Errata page.  If anyone
thinks that an Errata page is needed, then the text in my post to
the list could just be copied into that page.


Venkata Krishnan wrote:


All these are very good observations and thank you Simon Nash for such
a detailed review.

IMHO, these aren't blockers for this release (as Simon Nash also
opines) and here is what I'd like to do to mitigate their impact on
users :-
- On our web-site's release page for SCA Java 0.91, we could have an
'Errata' section where we could state these glitches that users should
watch for.  I guess this should be ok since users will be able to run
the samples / demos.
- Raise a JIRA listing all of these to be fixed for the next release (0.92)

Please let me know what you folks think about this.  Thanks.

- Venkat

On 7/9/07, Simon Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have reviewed the contents, built the source distribution, and
built and run all the samples and demos.  I found the following
problems in addition to the points raised by SimonL.

Missing files:

  1. No ant script for samples/chat-webapp.
  2. No ant script or JUnit test for samples/feed-aggregator.
     With no README, no ant script, and no JUnit test case, it is
     not clear what this sample does or how to run it.

Unexpected results:

  3. I had problems getting some of the demos/bigbank-xxx servers to
     exit when I pressed Enter.  The demos/bigbank-account server
     would never exit.  The demos/bigbank-calculator server sometimes
     exited and sometimes didn't.  The demos/bigbank-stockquote
     server always exited OK.

README problems:

  4. The README for samples/binding-echo has an error in line 51:
     EchoYestCase.Java should be
  5. The README for samples/binding-echo has incorrect mvn output.
     The correct output is:
       Running echo.EchoBindingTestCase
       Returned message: foo
       Returned message: bar
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.811 sec

       Results :

       Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
6. The README for samples/binding-echo-extension has incorrect mvn output.
     The correct output is:
       Running echo.EchoServiceTestCase
       Returned message: foo
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.011 sec
       Running echo.EchoReferenceTestCase
       Returned message: foo
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.06 sec

       Results :

       Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
  7. The README for samples/calculator-rmi-reference is incorrect
     in the wording of the message at line 92.  It says the message is
[java] Calculator RMI Service bound to RMI Registry at port 8099...
     but the actual message displayed is
[java] Starting of the SCA Calculator Application exposed as RMI Services...
  8. The README for samples/calculator-rmi-service is incorrect in the
     wording of the message at line 104.  It says the message is
[java] Calculator RMI Service bound to RMI Registry at port 8099...
     but the actual message displayed is
[java] Starting of the SCA Calculator Application exposed as RMI Services... 9. In the README for samples/calculator-script, the output for ant run displayed
     at line 80 and following omits the following message that I get when
     I run this:
[java] *sys-package-mgr*: can't create package cache dir, 'H:\tuscany-0.91-rc2\tuscany-sca-0.91-incubating\lib\jython-2.2-beta2.jar\cachedir\packages'
     I get a similar message from mvn, which gives the output:
       Running calculator.CalculatorTestCase
*sys-package-mgr*: can't create package cache dir, 'C:\Documents and Settings\na sh\.m2\repository\org\python\jython\2.2-beta2\jython-2.2-beta2.jar\cachedir\pack
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 4.727 sec

       Results :

       Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
Is this message normal? If so, it should be mentioned in the README. 10. The README for samples/calculator-webapp does not show the test output that
     running mvn produces before building the war, as follows:
       Running calculator.CalculatorTestCase
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.852 sec

       Results :

       Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
11. The README for samples/chat-webapp does not mention the chat.html file
     in the webapp directory.
12. The README for samples/chat-webapp has typos in line 13 ("you" for "your")
     and line 25 ("forwads" for "forwards").
13. The README for samples/databinding-echo does not mention the file
src/main/resources/META-INF/services/ 14. The README for samples/databinding-echo has an error for the mvn output in
     line 119.  This line should be
       Running dbecho.EchoDataBindingTestCase
     instead of
       Running echo.EchoDataBindingTestCase
15. The README for samples/helloworld-dojo does not mention the
     build-dojo.xml file or explain its purpose.
16. The README for samples/helloworld-dojo has a typo in line 31:
     helloworl-dojo instead or helloworld-dojo.
17. the README for samples/helloworld-dojo mentions a dojo directory under
     webapp in line 41, but this directory is not present in the
     binary distro.
18. The README for samples/helloworld-dojo has a Sample Overview (lines
     26 to 29) with a few typos and glitches.  The current text is:
The sample provides a single service which with an operation that reflects a greeting back to the called. The service is exposed using the JSONRPC binding. The web app provided shows how the service can be called either via
       via the SCA provided JSON client or by using the DOJO toolkit.
     This should be changed to:
The sample provides a single service with an operation that reflects a greeting back to the caller. The service is exposed using the JSONRPC binding. The web app provided shows how the service can be called either
       via the SCA-provided JSON client or by using the DOJO toolkit.
19. The above text suggests that the web app shows two ways to call the
     service.  I could only see one way, by pushing the button that
     says it invokes the Dojo toolkit.
20. The README for samples/helloworld-jsonrpc has a Sample Overview (lines
     23 to 26) with a few typos and glitches.  The current text is:
The sample provides a single service which with an operation that reflects a greeting back to the called. The service is exposed using the JSONRPC binding. The web app provided shows how the service can be called either via
       via the SCA provided JSON client or by using the DOJO toolkit.
     This should be changed to:
The sample provides a single service with an operation that reflects a greeting back to the caller. The service is exposed using the JSONRPC binding. The web app provided shows how the service can be called either
       via the SCA-provided JSON client or by using the DOJO toolkit.
21. The above text suggests that the web app shows two ways to call the
     service.  I could only see one way, by pushing the button that
     says it invokes the SCA-provided JSON client.
22. The README for samples/helloworld-jsonrpc has a typo in line 28:
     helloworl-jsonrpc instead or helloworld-jsonrpc.
23. The README for samples/helloworld-ws-reference has an error in line 80.
     The correct command to run the server is "ant run", not "ant".
24. In the READMEs for samples/helloworld-ws-reference and
     samples/helloworld-ws-service, the mvn output shows the embedded
     Tomcat server starting on port 8080.  When I ran these, Tomcat
     started on port 8085.
25. The README for samples/implementation-composite has the last two lines of
     expected output from "ant run" missing.  The complete output is:
       [java] Main thread Thread[main,5,main]
       [java] Source: Client.main -> Source.clientMethod
       [java] Source: Client.main => Source.clientMethod2
       [java] Sleeping ...
       [java] Target: Client.main -> Source.clientMethod
       [java] Work thread Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main]
[java] Result: Client.main -> Source.clientMethod -> Target.someMethod
       [java] Target: Client.main => Source.clientMethod2
       [java] Work thread Thread[pool-1-thread-2,5,main]
[java] Result: Client.main => Source.clientMethod2 -> Target.someMethod
     Similarly, the output from mvn shown in the README doesn't match
     what I got (additional lines and lines appearing in a different
     order).  The output that I got is:
       Running composite.CompositeTestCase
       Main thread Thread[main,5,main]
       Source: Client.main -> Source.clientMethod
       Source: Client.main => Source.clientMethod2
       Sleeping ...
       Target: Client.main => Source.clientMethod2
       Work thread Thread[pool-1-thread-2,5,main]
       Result: Client.main => Source.clientMethod2 -> Target.someMethod
       Target: Client.main -> Source.clientMethod
       Work thread Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main]
       Result: Client.main -> Source.clientMethod -> Target.someMethod
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.973 sec

       Results :

       Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
26. The README for samples/implementation-crud shows incorrect output
     from the mvn command.  It should be:
       Running crud.client.CRUDTestCase
       Starting CRUDServiceComponent
       create(ABC) in tmp
       Stopping CRUDServiceComponent
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.641 sec

       Results :

       Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
27. The README for demos/alert-aggregator has a few typos:
       line 20: change "you" to "your"
       line 30: change "you" to "your"
       line 34: change "retrived" to "retrieve"
       line 71: change "you" to "your"
28. The README for demos/bigbank-account has a few typos:
       line 17: change "Ant" to "ant"
       line 25: change "Ant" to "ant"
       line 40: change "you" to "your"
       line 34: change "retrived" to "retrieve"
       line 71: change "you" to "your"

Most of these are minor nits, but I think point 2 is a bit more serious.
In future I don't think we should include samples in a release if they
don't have a README or a JUnit test case or an ant script.

If a respin is required for any other reason then I would suggest either
improving or removing the feed-aggregator sample.  However, I don't
think this is serious enough to delay the release, so here's my
+1 (non-binding).


Simon Laws wrote:

> On 7/6/07, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review and vote on the 0.91 release artifacts of Tuscany SCA for
>> Java.
>> The artifacts are available for review at:
>> This includes the binary and source distributions, the RAT reports, and
>> the
>> Maven staging repository.
>> The SVN tag for the release is:
>> All comments raised for RC1 -
>> -
>> have been fixed.
>> Looks ok to me - so here's my +1.
>> Thanks
>> - Venkat
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>> Hi Venkat
> A few more things I noticed this time round....
> - No diagram for sample/chat-webapp
> - No README or diagrams for sample/feed-aggregator
> - I can't test demos/bigbank-account until the jars are distributed to the
> maven repos (we need to get the ant script sorted out for this)
> I'll raise a JIRA for these items.
> - I tried to verify the signature on the binary distro but it didn't work
> for me....
> C:\simon\tuscany\sca-r0.91-rc2>gpg --verify
> C:\simon\tuscany\sca-r0.91-rc2>gpg: can't open signed data `--verify'
> gpg: can't hash datafile: file open error
> I'm a novice at gpg though and this looks like there is something wrong
> with
> the way I'm trying to use it rather than the signature itself so if someone
> else can check this that would be good.
> Assuming the signatures are ok none of these are blockers for me so +1 and
> thanks for pulling it all together.
> Regards
> Simon

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