
I think that we should consider the idea of "Website Wiki committership" separately from "Code committership".

I don't think that it should be necessary for someone to have Code committership in order to be granted update access to the Website/Wiki.

I do agree that it needs to be controlled, but that we should draw up a wider list of folk who are allowed to edit material on the Website. As has been pointed out, updates to the website have slowed down since we restricted write access. This is not good. Our website needs plenty of

Yours,  Mike.

Luciano Resende wrote:
My only concern is that, after we restricted access to our wiki, and
started using the process of JIRA or updates on the other wiki space,
the website contributions basically stopped. I think we had only one
JIRA created on this space.

On 7/13/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/13/07, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was referring to the following paragraph...
> "a CLA is required for cover substantial contributions for source.
> wiki karma must only be granted those with a CLA."

Yes but that doesn't mean that the converse is also true, ie just having a
CLA doesn't give the right to be granted wiki karma.


> Robert also says later on :
> "a committer is essentially a developer with a CLA "

and also that "provenance needs to be established and oversight maintained"

> If we have control to who gets access, and we are covered, on the
> legal aspects, by having the CLA in place, we should be Ok.  What are
> your concerns here ?

As with the code, it requires more than just having a CLA to be granted
commit access to our SVN.

> The other two alternatives I see are :
>    - Make wiki patches, or copies from "ocpy of the website wiki"
>    - Make all website contributors a Tuscany committer

+1, both of these seem appropriate to me. People can raise JIRAs and do
proposed updates on the TUSCANYWIKI space, once they've proven themselves we can vote them in as a website committer just like from code contributions.


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