
I'd like the release guide if the steps we follow are a bit different
than what is normally done or if there are some variations to how we
perform some steps.   But if we were just about going to rephrase all
of what has already been said somewhere else I'd prefer just about
having a pointer from Tuscany.  Maybe a good begining to all of this
could be to have our release guide and link to the information that is
available.  Then as we get to review and apply that we could flesh our

Having said that, I'd like us to have a 'release review checklist'
that enlists the bunch of things that need to be reviewed in a RC
including things like testing out the binary distro before the source
distro. etc.

- Venkat

On 7/24/07, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There's already lots of doc about doing releases in the ASF - on the ASF
> main dev pages and within the Incubator site etc.

The problem with there being lots of docs is that there are, ahem, lots of
docs. Where is the definitive set of guides that provide the detail required
to release Tuscany for someone, like me, who hasn't done it before? Possibly
an impossible question to answer as you don't know what I don't know and I
don't know what you do know so our view of what is an acceptable level of
detail probably differs. Here are the top level guides I found.


I can't say whether the above links are satisfactory as I haven't been
through the process but I agree that we should propose updates if they are
found to be wanting. For example, a discussion of RAT.

For consistency I would expect to see all the keystrokes recorded that are
required to produce and distribute a release. The fewer the better so, yes,
more automation would be good.  I expect automation does not completely
remove the responsibility to check the release against release criteria,
e,g, legal, but gives a good indication of what is required to make the
release happen. Again anything we can do to automate these checks is good.

I don't expect that release is a process that should involve a lot of
imagination on our part other than in providing more automation of the
required steps. To put it another way is there anything specific we have to
do for Tuscany that would not be included in the general guide? I note that
many projects do have release guides. Why is this the case?


I do note that the Incubator release guide states "Different options or
opinions are encouraged.". If options are offered (and I can't say that
there are without reading the detail) then we need a place to document which
are chosen for Tuscany releases.


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