Sorry, I did not see this before doing the checkout and testing that
led to my creating TUSCANY-1501.  I have rerun my test against the
latest trunk code and this is working now.  I'll close TUSCANY-1501.


Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

All those sound good, and just to add one more, i think there's a bug
(unless its been fixed recently) in the standalone jetty/tomcat runtimes so that the port in a endpoint url is used but only for the first endpoint. So
if you have two binding uri's http://localhost:8080/foo and
http://localhost:8085/bar then both services are exposed on the same one
port and its just whichever port happened to get processed first.

Yes, I've bumped into this one several times too... so I'd like to volunteer to fix it.

This is now fixed, you should be able to register servlets under different port numbers and both the JettyServer and TomcatServer will take care of starting embedded servers listening on these ports.

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