
Graham and I have been looking at supporting OSGi bundles as contributions
in Tuscany. This is the packaging of SCA contributions as OSGi bundles where
OSGi will bring modularity and versioning to SCA.

Resolution of artifacts in OSGi contribution bundles will be handled by an
OSGi runtime (if an OSGi runtime is not present on the classpath, the bundle
will be treated as a plain jar). This would mean that classes used in <
implementation.java/> and interfaces etc. will be loaded using standard OSGi
resolution mechanisms, enabling different versions of classes to be loaded
into a domain (there is also better isolation because each bundle has its
own classloader).

Unfortunately in the current Tuscany implementation, there doesn't seem to
be a neat way of plugging in support for OSGi contributions. While <
implementation.osgi/> is a completely independent module, support for OSGi
contributions would require changes to other processors. I would like to add
a new module "modules/contribution-osgi" which provides all the code needed
for supporting OSGi contribution bundles. But the code will have to be
explicitly invoked from outside this module.

OSGi bundles are jar files. Since there is only one processor for each
contribution file type, the Jar processor will have to call OSGi bundle
processor to do any special processing for OSGi bundles - the OSGi bundle
processor installs the bundle into an OSGi runtime (starting a new runtime
if necessary).

Since class resolution for OSGi bundles should be done using OSGi resolution
mechanisms rather than directly using a classloader, and there is only one
resolver called by ExtensibleModelResolver for each model type,
ClassReferenceModelResolver will need to call
OSGiClassReferenceModelResolver to load the class using the OSGi bundle if
the contribution is an OSGi bundle.

The changes to JarContributionProcessor and ClassReferenceModelResolver are
fairly minimal - in both cases they try to dynamically load the
corresponding OSGi processor and call a method on it. All the OSGi specific
code is in modules/contribution-osgi. A better solution would have been to
allow multiple processors for each contribution file type and multiple
resolvers for each model type, where they are called in some order until the
processing is complete. But that would require more extensive changes to

I would like your feedback on the approach to follow, and would also like to
know if I should wait till 1.0 is released before submitting a patch.

Thank you...



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