On 10/4/07, Rajini Sivaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to use Tuscany as a library (rather than a runtime) to parse
> a
> reference or service definition containing bindings, and obtain a proxy to
> a
> service.
> At the moment, I create a composite containing a dummy component with a
> reference, and then create an SCA domain, add a contribution containing
> the
> composite, and then obtain the reference and get a proxy through the
> runtimeWire. Apart from being very messy, this requires a large number of
> Tuscany modules to be in the classpath.
> Is there a better way for me to use the modules in Tuscany - specifically
> the bindings modules?
> Thank you...
> Regards,
> Rajini
Hi Rajini

Is the service you are trying to get a reference to local to the JVM you are
running in?

If yes, what runtime is the component/service running it?

If no,  then the tuscany code should already be able to construct a
reference on the fly for you without you having to go through the process of
creating the dummy component. The code in getService looks in the local
model and if it can't find the required service creates a unresolved
reference which will be resolved when you try to use it. This relies on
using the distributed domain support.

Can you say a bit more about the scenario you are working with?



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