Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
Antollini, Mario wrote:
Jean-Sebastien, Raymond,

Thanks for the feedback. I modified the figure accordingly.

What do you both think now?


Thanks Mario.

I guess we should work on the various parts of the application:
- the catalog component with a hardcoded list of items
- the catalog component backed by a database
- the catalog component talking to the Amazon catalog
- the catalog component talking to the eBay catalog

We need to define a single business interface that they'll all implement.

Also I'd like to add a currency converter component that can run on a different Tuscany node

I started to work on the build structure and a build.xml file with the right dependencies. BTW I'm going to temporarily move the tutorial directory from java/sca/demos/tutorial to java/sca/tutorial to make it easier to reuse existing samples and their build.xml files on top of the Tuscany distribution. We can move the directory again later if people want.

I'm making some progress on the new Shopping Store tutorial. I have organized the modules under java/sca/tutorial as follows:

* store - the simple getting started store sample as we had it before in samples/store * store-domain - a mini launcher for the domain controller that can be used to manage Tuscany nodes

Then the various parts of the tutorial also in separate modules to allow them to run on different Tuscany nodes * store-ui - the UI component, with references to the catalog and shoppingcart
* store-catalog - the catalog component alone
* store-catalog-database - an implementation of the catalog backed by a database
* store-catalog-amazon - currently empty, will represent the amazon catalog
* store-catalog-ebay - currently empty, will represent the ebay catalog
* store-cart - the shopping cart component
* store-currency - the currency converter component

I'm thinking that this kind of structure will allow us to exercise interesting scenarios:

1. How to get started and build a simple store (similar to the getting started sample).

2. Wire your catalog with other external catalogs running on different nodes (because you're expanding your store business or merge it with other businesses).

3. Provide your new aggregated catalog service as a Web Service for example.

3. Another instantiation of the store reusing the same components but configured and wired differently (maybe a different currency and a currency conversion service running on a different node), maybe with a slightly different UI too.

I'm mostly working on the store-ui, store-catalog, store-domain modules at the moment. I won't touch much the store-cart, store-catalog-database, store-amazon and store-ebay for the next few days, as I believe others are working on them.

I'll probably have to make a few fixes to the runtime as I go. I've already run into a few issues with the WS, Atom and Jsonrpc bindings and the Domain+Node code. Hopefully this won't disturb the 1.0.1 release as I believe that most of the changes from trunk have already been merged into the release branch.


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