Some answers after researching the spec docs:

Raymond Feng wrote:

I think this issue needs to be brought up at the spec level. Basically, the following have to be clarified:

1) What interfaces are qualified to be remotable?
2) What are the characteristics of the input/output types for remotable interfaces?

Assembly spec: 697
"Whether a service of a component implementation is
remotable is defined by the interface of the service. In the case of Java this is defined by adding the @Remotable annotation to the Java interface (see Client and Implementation Model Specification for Java). WSDL defined interfaces are always remotable."

Java SCA Annotations and APIs spec: 297
"Java interfaces generated from a WSDL portType are always remotable."

I think that says that JAX-WS generated interfaces should be considered remotable even in the absence of an @Remotable interface.

Java SCA Annotations and APIs spec: 1531
Complex data types exchanged via remotable service interfaces must be compatible with the marshalling technology used by the service binding. For example, if the service is going to be exposed using the standard web service binding, then the parameters must be Service Data Objects (SDOs) 2.0 [2] or JAXB [3] types. Independent of whether the remotable service is called from outside of the composite that contains it or from another component in the same composite, the data exchange semantics are by-value."

This leaves the door open for other data representations supported by other service bindings, e.g. a DOM or a Java Serializable object.

The Java SCA Annotations and APIs spec Errata adds this:
"The SCA Client and Implementation Model for Java applies the WSDL to Java and Java to WSDL mapping rules as defined by the JAX-WS specification [4] for generating remotable Java interfaces from WSDL portTypes and vice versa. For the purposes of the Java-to-WSDL mapping algorithm, the interface is treated as if it had a @WebService annotation on the class, even if it doesn't, and the org.osoa.OneWay annotation should be treated as a synonym for javax.jws.OneWay. For the WSDL-to-Java, the generated @WebService annotation should imply that the interface is @Remotable. For the mapping from Java types to XML schema types SCA supports both the SDO 2.1 [2] mapping and the JAXB [3] mapping. Having a choice of binding technologies is allowed, as noted in the first paragraph of section 5 of the JSR 181 (version 2) specification, which is referenced by the JAX-WS specification."

EJB binding spec: 105
"When used with the EJB binding, a service or reference interface must be compatible with a session bean interface, according to the following rules: - The interface offered by a reference MUST be remotable if the remote session bean interface is being accessed, and MUST be local if the local session bean interface is being accessed. - The methods on the session bean MUST be a compatible superset of the methods in the interface used by the reference. - The interface used by a reference MAY NOT contain any methods inherited from EJBObject or EJBLocalObject. - Compatibility for an individual method is defined by the SCA Assembly Model Specification [4], and can be stated simply as compatibility of the signature. That is, the method name, input types, and output types MUST be identical.
- The order of the input and output types also MUST be identical."

This brings interesting points:
- EJB binding does not imply remote, local interfaces are also supported (contrary to the common belief that "binding" implies "remote"). - an SCA reference can use a newly defined Java interface (compatible with the session bean interface but not dragging javax.ejb.Remote) with a @Remotable annotation".

3) What are the semantics of pass-by-value?

Assembly spec: 706
"Independent of whether the remotable service is called remotely from outside the process where the service runs or from another component running in the same process, the data exchange semantics are by-value. Implementations of remotable services may modify input messages (parameters) during or after an invocation and may modify return messages (results) after the invocation. If a remotable service is called locally or remotely, the SCA container is responsible for making sure that no modification of input messages or post-invocation modifications to return messages are seen by the caller."

Does that help answer your questions?


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