
> in definitions.xml(A).  But, is this sort of re-processing / rebuild is a
> requirment only in this context ?  If there are other contexts as well,
> such
> as re-wiring and we there is going to be a separate phase for this, then
> I'd
> like to do this as well in that phase.
Absolutely. There are a number of things that need to be calculated across
the domain. We have started discussing [1] some phases of processing at a
higher level than are currently contained in the depths of the
ContributionService, assembly builders and composite activators. I've
started a technical note [2] on this subject to net out the conversation
from that thread (hasn't been much recently but it is on my mind and
Sebastien has been doing things on the Contribution Worksapce judging by the
SVN log). So from the point of view of this thread we should ensure that the
blocks of processing you have extended the existing processing steps with,
i.e. the bits you added to [3], are suitably accessible so that the can
easily be called from higher level steps [2]

I guess we need to get a bit more concrete on the higher level steps.



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