On Feb 16, 2008 10:48 PM, Simon Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It isn't long since I could do a complete checkout and build of
> Tuscany SCA Java in around 400 MB of disk space.  Today I was amazed
> when I ran out of space despite having cleared over a gigabyte
> before starting.
> I tend to keep a few builds around for various reasons and the
> space factor is rapidly becoming more and more of an inhibitor to my
> development productivity.  The full checkout and build that I did
> a week ago occupied 718 MB on disk.  Today's version weighs in at a
> hefty 1020 MB.  I've done some digging around, and there's nothing
> that seems very easy to eliminate.  The biggest files are webapp
> samples and ActiveMQ logs.
> This size explosion adds more weight to the evidence that we need to
> split up the codebase into more modular chunks that can be built and
> tested independently.
>   Simon

The ActiveMQ portion of this has been exasperated recently by the change to
use unique broker names so multiple sets of ActiveMQ files are being
created. I'll be committing a change shortly that will fix this.


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