On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 8:55 AM, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> With 1.2 almost out the door how about starting to think about our next
> release...
> We've had several discussions in the past about restructuring and cleaning
> up the distributions, build, and SPIs etc, is this the time to do that?
> Looking about the code there's many things that could be tidied up but
> we've
> been leaving them to keep backward compatibility, if we start this type of
> thing now it will make the next release not backward compatible so we need
> to agree this is the right time. We could make a new 1.x branch to use as
> a
> maintenance branch for the previous releases so we can still get fixes out
> for them.
> Leaving aside for now any detail about what the clean up and breaking
> changes might be what do you all think about doing this in the next
> release?
> I think its the right time so am in favour of starting this.
>   ...ant


Now discussion of the prospect of moving to 1.X and 2.X releases has moved
to a separate thread [1] was your intention to separately start enumerating
the burning issues that we feel would be too disruptive in the context of a
1.X release.

An issue that has been on my mind is that I think it would be useful to
restructure the way that the runtime is started so, instead of relying on
the black box ReallySmallRuntime to perform explicit module configuration,
we could provide the registry to each module and let it configure itself.


[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/tuscany-dev%40ws.apache.org/msg30209.html

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