On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Simon Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Regarding whether or not we have consensus and whether we should hold
> a vote, consensus is not the same as unanimity.  I think we need to
> make a decision on this issue (which is relatively minor) and move
> forward.  Holding a vote seems to be a reasonable way to do this.

Consensus is not the same as unanimity but that doesn't mean voting is the
way to resolve disagreements, you just have to look at the trouble doing
that has caused in the project when its happened in the past. A definition I
like for consensus is:

"A decision making process whereby decisions are reached when all members
present consent to a proposal. This process does not assume everyone must be
in complete agreement. When differences remain after discussion, individuals
can agree to disagree, that is, give their consent by standing aside, and
allow the proposal to be accepted by the group."

If someone who's an important part of the project (ie a PMC member?) doesn't
agree with something enough to refuse to stand aside then maybe in most
cases its best to just find another way. Thats one of the reasons I think we
should be a bit discerning about who we make PMC members - so that we trust
each other enough to know it most cases we would stand aside and if we wont
then for everyone to be able to respect that.


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