Rajini Sivaram wrote:

Can't it just be much simpler than that?
- 1 bundle per dependency JAR
- containing the OSGi metadata describing that JAR and what it actually

Yes, that is the goal. But unfortunately this is not "simpler" - it requires
some more work with the build. The code itself works with individual
meta-data or a collective one. The build at the moment is naive and creates
a single manifest file.

Maybe I can help, can you say what 'more work with the build' this will require?

This is the approach that SpringSource for example seems to have chosen
for they application platform OSGi repository. IMHO they are on the right
path with this.

Well, this is not quite the approach SpringSource have taken. SpringSource
repositories contain actual OSGi bundles (jars with OSGi manifest entries
including export/import statements).

It is the approach that SpringSource has taken, or maybe I've not been clear... I meant 1 bundle per dependency JAR, i.e. that bundle is the JAR itself.

From what I have seen and heard so far,
Tuscany seems very reluctant to take that step.

That's too bad, as it's the right approach IMO.


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