Ant mentioned rampart is not ready yet. Doesen't that require us to wait?

-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: Tuscany support for Axis 1.4


I'm starting to look into the performance improvements in the JAXB/AXIOM 
data transformation. It seems that the Axis2 1.4 has done a lot of good work 
there. If possible, I would like to leverage the latest AXIOM and Axis2 code 
base ASAP. The dependency might be only AXIOM but mixing the versions of 
AXIOM could be very risky.


From: "ant elder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 3:00 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Tuscany support for Axis 1.4

> On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Mike Edwards
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Lou Amodeo wrote:
>>> Is there a plan for Tuscany to support Axis2 1.4?
>> Lou,
>> Any particular goodies that we can expect to get by moving up to Axis 
>> 1.4?
>> Yours,  Mike.
> Not sure if there are new functions that we need in 1.4 but the
> release does include _lots_ of bug fixes so i think it would be worth
> moving up. The main issues right now is I've just noticed there isn't
> a corresponding Apache Rampart release for 1.4 yet which is what we
> need for WS-Security, looks like its coming so guess we'll just have
> to wait a bit.
>   ...ant 

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