ant elder wrote:
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:17 AM, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Lou Amodeo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there a plan for Tuscany to support Axis2 1.4?

Axis2 1.4 and the associated wss4j and rampart releases for 1.4 are  all
out and available in the Maven repositories now. I've still a couple of
issues to resolve to get everything in the build working with 1.4 but hope
to have those fixed in the next day or 2 so would like to move up to 1.4

This isn't going so well so I'm wondering if it would be better to NOT move
up to Axis2 1.4 for the SCA 1.3 release. The are still some minor issues
that are more of an inconvenience eg the way our soap/jms support is
configured causes a big ugly stacktrace in samples that don't incude the JMS
API now, but the main problem is with ws-security not working yet and when
that is fixed a bug in WSS4J we'll like hit which may need a new release to
fix [1]. How would people feel about staying on Axis2 1.3 for now, i know
there's a dessire to get the latest versions of XmlSchema and AXIOM but will
it break anything in our 1.3 release if we don't do that?



Mention of problems with WS-Security makes me head for the hills....

Yours,  Mike.

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