Hi All,
I can now run JMS client successfully with latest binding.jms, but you need
to confirm following with WAS 6 before testing it.. this was done with the
help of Ant...
This investigation done on sample sample-helloworld-jms-webapp
1)  see the link
2) You need to add
in the property Provider endpoints of Connection Factory, You can find it in
the websphere admin console, under resourses - JMS click on your connection
Here <SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS> is the port defined under websphere admin
console and look in servers-application server, click on server1, and then
in the server1 panel there are two things under Communications in ports it
here second entry of port 7276 is defaul to provide...
3) In this sample there is a property to set in the web.xml to say start
when the server starts up not on the first web request this was not come
with standard sample otherwise you need to call your service throgh
hello.jsp and then you client would work woth it (jsp is come in the sample

by using above steps i can now run my client successfully.

Thanks Ant for all your help..
Please Ant correct me in this explanation.

please let us know if anybody have any questions... :)

Nishant Joshi

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