
This isn't quite the way that componentType is intended to work. Let me try to explain.

A componentType file is something that is really associated with an implementation, not with the component that uses the implementation. In effect, "componentType" is really a description of the external characteristics of the implementation, which can then be configured by the component which uses the implementation. (ie a listing of the services, references, properties, of the implementation). Some folks have even suggested a better name for the file of "implementationInfo", just to drive the point home...

In many ways, the ideal situation is where the componentType of an implementation is derived through inspection / introspection of the implementation artifact(s). This is generally the case for Java classes, for example.

SCA allows for the case where implementation types cannot be introspected - and this is where the componentType file comes in. The componentType file allows the developer of the implementation to describe the "external characteristics" of the implementation in an XML file. The componentType file is usually placed in a location associated with the implementation artifact(s) (eg in the same directory) and usually has a name directly related to the name of the implementation artifact.

So, let me take a guess that the Splice implementation artifact in your example is a file called "echo.splice" in the src/test/resources/flowdir/ directory. In this case, if you need to supply a componentType file with this, it could be called echo.componentType and placed in that same directory alongside the echo.splice file.

Then, when your implementation processor is told to go retrieve the echo.splice implementation, you can find the echo.componentType file by a simple search in the same directory...

All this assumes that you can't introspect the splice implementations for the relevant information, of course...

After all this, I still hope that you can have some tools generate the componentType file - it's not much fun building these files by hand. An example where tools do generate the componentType files is in the case of C++ implementations - there are annotations in the source code which can be read by a compile-time processor and used to generate the componentType file at that point, since runtime introspection of C++ objects is not feasible.

Happy to help further if I can.

Yours, Mike.

Florian Rosenberg wrote:

I'm writing a component impl type and in my artifact processor I would need
the name attribute from a component defined in the composite file to be
able to use a constistant  resolving mechanism for my componentType files
that describe the component.

<component name="FooComponent">
  <tuscany:implementation.splice baseDir:="src/test/resources/flowdir/"
path="echo" url="echo" contentType="text/plain" />
  <reference name="..." />

Is there a way to get that name (FooComponent) in the read() or resolve()
method of the StAXArtifactProcessor implementation reading the
implementation.splice attribute? The FooComponent.componentType is then
used to describe the component, its references, etc.

 I could not figure out a way to retrieve it, probably I missed something.


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