> I got some Tkinter related questions for a project that I'm making:
> 1. How to add an image to a button ?

I find the easiest way is to create an PhotoImage object attach
the graphic file(jpg,bmp,gif) to that and assign the PhotoImage
object to the Button.image property. You can "animate" the image
by simply reassigning the file to the underlying PhotoImage onject.

> 2. How can I print text using Tkinter (I want it to be cross
> so I cant use modules like win32print ) ?

You mean print as in to a printer?
Personally I tend to generate an HTML file and use the
native OS Tools to print that. You can get fancy and
use the native OS priniting libraries but since its
very OS specific I find HTML is easier! OUtside Tkinter
you may well find the GUI libraries have done the cross
platform stuff for you, but not in Tkinter.

> 3. How to I make the program to always open in a full window ?

Define a full window? You mean full screen?
Thats usually better done as a parameter that the user can
set unless there is a very good reason not to. (Personally
I refuse to use any program that insists on opening full screen!)

If OTOH you mean that you don't want the DOS box in the background
thats easy, just rename the .py file to .pyw. But I suspect,
since you talk abouit cross platform you mean full screen.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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