Max Noel wrote:

>     According to the Jargon file, this one is called Whitesmiths 
> style. I tend to use Allman style myself, but given the code 
> completion, spellchecking, etc. in modern IDEs, I suspect it's
> more a question of personal preference than anything else.
>     A bit like if(foo) versus if (foo), and whether or not to use 
> braces for single-line blocks. (the latter issue being why I think
> Whitespace Thing is an instance of Best Thing Ever(TM))

Bracing single line expressions is something I constantly agonize
I'm always thinking may as well brace it because I may want to add
to this if clause. That's one of the reasons I like python is because

it's relatively painless to make sure that your blocks are closed 
properly, especially when you aren't using a decent IDE.

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