
I get the impression that many pythonistas don't like string
interpolation. I've never seen a clear definition of why. Anyway, it's
easy enough to add with the Itpl [1] module:

>>> import Itpl, sys
>>> sys.stdout = Itpl.filter()
>>> s, n, r = 0, 0, 0
>>> print "$s $n $r"
0 0 0
>>> x = Itpl.itpl("$s $n $r")
>>> x
'0 0 0'

And, of course, you can give Itpl.itpl a nicer name; I usually call it
pp(). If you don't need to change the behavior of the "print"
statement, then you don't need the Itpl.filter() line.


Bill Mill
bill.mill at

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 10:22:51 -0500, Smith, Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To all those who talked about hating the symbology in Perl and the
> suggestion that it should be removed from a later version.  I just
> remembered what you get for that symbology that I really do like about
> Perl: variable interpolation in strings:
> C:
> sprintf(newstr,"%s %d %f",s,n,r);
> Becomes a little nicer in Python with:
> newstr = '%s %d %f' % (s,n,r)
> Although it's worse with:
> newstr = s + ' ' + str(n) + ' ' + str(r)
> But in my mind nothing beats the Perl statement:
> newstr = "$s $n $r";
> for clarity, ease of use, and maintainability.
> Jeff
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