Hi Gregor,

I had done the same thing. I also noted that assigning (or inserting) an element into a list is faster than creating a new list: l.insert(0,2) is faster than l = [2]+l.

def sieve (maximum):
     if maximum < 2: return []
     limit = int(maximum**0.5)
     nums = range(1,maximum+1,2)
     nums[0] = None
     for p in nums:
         if p:
             if p > limit: break
             nums[(p*p)//2::p] = [False]*(1+(maximum//p- p)//2)
     nums[0] = 2
     return filter(None, nums)

Hi Sean!

Thanks for your measurements.
In the meantime I did another amendment,
leaving out the even numbers from the sieve.
It goes like this:

def sieve(maximum):
     nums = range(3, maximum+1, 2)
     for p in nums:
         if p:
             if p*p > maximum: break
             start = (p*p-2)//2
             nums[start::p] = [False]*(1+((maximum-3)//2-start)//p)
     return [2] + filter(None, nums)

Perhaps not very elegant. But approximately twice as fast as
the former version.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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