Now it would be fine to have an *equally fast*
infinite prime number generator.

Has anybody any suggestions?

What follows is an attempt based on the previous tutor-evolved sieve that extends the range in which to find the next prime by a factor of 2 over the last known prime. A similar algorithm is on ASPN (I bellieve), under

Space-efficient version of sieve of Eratosthenes.
D. Eppstein, May 2004

Oh, please...ignore what I suggested and look at Eppstein's code. It's a thing of beauty and just keeps chugging out primes well past what the inefficient version that I suggested could do with the same memory. It's a "tortoise and hare" race as the memory gets chewed up by the esieve approach.

The ASPN version of Eppstein's program is an older one than the one at the following site:

Take a look!


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