I don't believe there's any kinds of wars on this mailing group.  :)

I found this Python Vim code completion thing in my searches today:

Don't know how good it is, but it looks like it'd do the job.


On 21/09/05, Gabriel Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Uh oh, looks like you're begging for an editor war.
> That said, I'm in the vim camp.  It can do everything you specified
> for all of the languages you mention (well, I'm not sure about
> collapsible code...web search...aha![1]).  After using it for four
> years, I'm still learning new tricks (see, for example, this page I
> found today on indentation[2]).
> vim's extendable with python scripts, but a lot of what you need for
> coding is already built in.  I find most of my info either in the help
> manual that comes with it (:h) or at vim.org.
> gsf
> [1] http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mjmcguff/learn/vim/folding.txt
> [2] http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=83
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 02:00:20PM +0100, Ed Singleton wrote:
> > I've been trying to decide which editor to use to edit Python (on
> > Windows mostly).
> >
> > My wishlist of features would be:
> >
> > - automatic code formatting (indentation etc)
> > - collapsible code (to collapse def's etc)
> > - automatic code coloring (that's easily changeable)
> > - auto-completion of namespaces
> > - easy to run scripts from the editor (a shortcut key to run them or 
> > something)
> >
> > As I also do a lot of html, css and javascript it would be cool to
> > have an editor that could also handle them, in which case I would want
> > the same features for those languages, as well as the ability to write
> > macros, scripts, etc in python.
> >
> > Having looked at loads of editors, I've ended up looking at emacs and vim.
> >
> > Emacs seems too difficult with not enough support for using the mouse.
> >
> > Vim seemed better, and I get the impression that it is possible to use
> > python to script the editor, but I can't find much information on
> > using vim as a python editor on windows.
> >
> > My various questions are:
> >
> > What other features should I be looking for?
> >
> > What would be the best editor for a beginner to start using, with a
> > view to the long term?
> >
> > Where can I find some authoritative information about setting emacs or
> > vim up as a fully featured python editor?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Ed
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