On 10/04/06, Payal Rathod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to learn Python seriously for almost 2 months but have not
> gotten far at all. Infact, it seems I have not understood even the basic
> concepts itself. I know some shell, sed and awk programming.
> I have tried reading Learning Python - Mark Lutz
> Think C Spy
> A byte of Python
> Non-Programmers Tutorial For Python
> etc.
> But I have not got anything from them. I am feeling that they are
> superficial and do not touch real life problems. Also, not enough
> examples are provided which can help newbies like me.
> Can anyone help me, it is pretty pretty frustating thing for last couple
> of months?
> With warm regards,
> -Payal

You might find reading real code to be more useful than a tutorial:

Fredrik Lundh's Guide to the Standard Library contains thousands of examples:

PLEAC contains loads of examples to show how to do things:

It all depends what kind of learner you are:
Learn by being taught (read the tutorials)
Learn by doing (think of a project, start trying to do it, then ask
here when you get stuck)
Learn by example (read lots of examples of other people's code to see
how they do it)

I'm very much the kind of person who likes to learn to swim by jumping
as far into the water as he can, then trying to get back to the side. 
It's amazing how well you can do something when you don't have any
choice. ;-)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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