I have been using python for sometime...and occasionally I noticed
significant delay before the code would run but unitl now I have been able
to write it off to other things.  Now I have a short script that I wrote to
check some files and print out a few lines.

I have noticed that usually the first time I fire it up in the morning or
after a long time of not running it, it takes 10-15 seconds to run and the
output to the screen is very slow...maybe 1 second per line.  If I run it
soon after that it runs and the output is on the screen in less then a
second.  I would think this has to do with compiling but I am not sure.  Any
ideas how to speed this up?  

I am running python 2.4 on a RHE3.0 cluster. 


John Ertl
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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