> I came across the following and wondered if anyone had followed up on this

[old message follows:]

>> I just ran into the following link; it's a tutorial on writing 
>> adventure games (circa 1983):
>>    http://www.atariarchives.org/adventure
>> Would anyone be interested in "porting" the examples over from BASIC to 
>> Python?  It might make a fun project for us here on Tutor; a few of us 
>> appear to have been exposed to Basic in our past lives... *grin* Any 
>> takers?

Hi Pete,

Unfortunately, not to my knowledge: there may be people on the list who've 
done this privately though.  I'll CCing tutor@python.org to see if anyone 
else has looked at this.  Personally, I haven't had the time because of 
grad school committments.

Best of wishes!
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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