On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 00:10 -0600, Luke Paireepinart wrote:
> Although I'm prettty sure most modern linux distros come with Python 
> already installed, so you don't need to be concerned about those linux
> folk.

I think Windows is the only major OS distribution that still omits

> Except, I find that it's more trouble for linuxers to get packages
> for 
> their python scripts, because they have to make-install etc. whereas 
> windows people have a nice friendly,
> fuzzy little GUI installer for the majority of python packages.

The belief that all Linux software must be compiled and installed
manually is a common misconception.  The major Linux distributions all
have servers with thousands of packages that install easily, either from
a command line or a GUI interface.  For my Fedora laptop:
        yum install python-kid
checks for any dependencies (e.g. python-elementtree) and installs all
needed packages.  (There is no need for the package to have been written
in Python.  I just used a Python example since this is a Python list.)
Most Linux packages have available source code and you *can* install
from source, but that is not forced on you.

If a Python package is not available through yum, installation from the
Cheese Shop is still quite simple, and certainly no more difficult than
on Windows.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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