Hi,I just started python today and I would like a few pointers, if you don't 
mind.  I tried using a tutorial, but was only able to get the correct results 
for the most basic problems.  # Area calculation programprint “Welcome to the 
Area calculation program”print “–––––––––––––”print# Print out the menu:print 
“Please select a shape:”print “1  Rectangle”print “2  Circle”# Get the user’s 
choice:shape = input(“> “)# Calculate the area:if shape == 1:    height = 
input(“Please enter the height: “)    width = input(“Please enter the width: “) 
   area = height*width    print “The area is”, areaelse:    radius = 
input(“Please enter the radius: “)    area = 3.14*(radius**2)    print “The 
area is”, areaI've been trying to get this to work.  I was on a forum on Google 
and they said to put:input("press ENTER to continue")at the end.  I did, but it 
didn't work.  It runs the program but just shuts itself off when its done and i 
don't even get to select any of the option things that i'm supposed to be able 
to select.  It just turns on then back off and I don't even get to see 
anything.  Could someone help me out.ThanksAdam
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