Ok, just found your message in the archives. Thanks very much for that!  By way 
of response--

>>That may be because your question ventures into fairly deep areas of 
that most folk who are just learning Python(ie readers of this list) 
have probably
not encountered.

True enough:-) I am learning this as I go.

>>If you do want to get into depth on Python networking you may find the
A-Press book Python Network Programming useful - I do regularly :-).

I came across it a few times, was not sure if it would be as useful as more 
general books, but I think I will get it soon.

However the only information I could see about timeouts there was

>>related to socket.settimeout() which ISTR you didn't want to/couldn't 


The docs show there is settimeout() and setdefaulttimeout(). I will try to 
explain below why I did not think I could use these. I might have been wrong...

> What is the best practice for checking for network connectivity

> errors when making network calls? Is it better to wrap the functions

> that make said calls in threads and time them?

> Or to use timeout variables for modules like socket?

Personally if i was doingt that I'd almost certainy put it in a thread
and apply a timeout within the thread. but not having tried that I 
know how easy it would be!

A friend shared an implementation of this with me that works well. I have 
attached it. Maybe you will find it useful!

> I am trying to figure out the optimal way to make socket connections

> (INET) and check for timeouts. The socket module has 

> settimeout(timeout)

> and setdefaulttimeout(timeout). However, so far as I can tell, these 

> apply

> to socket objects. The type of socket connection I want to make is

> getfqdn(address).

>> I don't understand, getfqdn() returns a domain name not an a socket?

Yes. Example:

>>> import socket
>>> socket.getfqdn("")

And therein lies the rub! The main function of the script I have this in is to 
go through a list of IP addresses, and find their FQDN, and other information. 
It is at this step, when I get the FQDN, that I wanted to do some find of 
timeout setting. But since it is *not* a socket object, I cannot use 

> So I can set the default timeout for socket, but not a socket object

> (makes sense so far). I cannot use the getfqdn(address) method on

> a socket object, I have to use it on socket.

>> Sorry it's not making sense to me, getfqdn takes a host name not a 

Exactly my problem:-)

>> setdefaulttimout is a function in the socket module not a method of 
Thus you woulfd call that before reating a new socket:

Thanks for the clarification, I will try this.

>> What are you trying to do? Establish a socket connection to something
or just do a name check that times out more quickly?(or slowly)

Just trying to get the FQDNs from a list of IPs, and want to have some sane 
error handling in place in case my connection dies during the queries.


class ThreadTimeoutError(Exception): pass

from threading import Thread

class _ThreadedMethod(Thread):
     def __init__(self, target, args, kwargs):
         self.target, self.args, self.kwargs = target, args, kwargs

     def run(self):
             self.result = self.target(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
         except Exception, e:
             self.exception = e
             self.exception = Exception()
             self.exception = None

def TimeoutThread(timeout=None):
     def timeoutthread_proxy(method):
         if hasattr(method, "__name__"):
             method_name = method.__name__
             method_name = 'unknown'
         def timeoutthread_invocation_proxy(*args, **kwargs):
             worker = _ThreadedMethod(method, args, kwargs)
             if timeout is None:
                 return worker
             if worker.isAlive():
                 raise ThreadTimeoutError(
                     "A call to %s() has timed out" % method_name)
             elif worker.exception is not None:
                 raise worker.exception
                 return worker.result
         timeoutthread_invocation_proxy.__name__= method_name
         return timeoutthread_invocation_proxy
     return timeoutthread_proxy
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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