Thought I would do some more testing and get you a more finalized form this 

So I took the script, and put it in a folder with 3 test files with 
content like this:
I am some
lines of text
yep I love text
<script type="text/javascript" />

Then I ran:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test$ python "<script type" `ls`
found '<script type' 1 times in test1.txt on line 6.
found '<script type' 1 times in test2.txt on line 6.
found '<script type' 1 times in test3.txt on line 6.

This will work in your case quite well I think. Now for doing the actual 
delete... I could not find a way to succinctly delete a single line from the 
files in Python, but I am almost there. Sorry, it was late:-) 

import fileinput, sys, string
# take the first argument out of sys.argv and assign it to searchterm
searchterm, sys.argv[1:] = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]
for line in fileinput.input():
   num_matches = string.count(line, searchterm)
   if num_matches:                     # a nonzero count means there was a match
       print "found '%s' %d times in %s on line %d." % (searchterm, num_matches,
           fileinput.filename(), fileinput.filelineno())
       thisfile = open(fileinput.filename(), "r")
       linelist = thisfile.readlines()
       del linelist[(fileinput.filelineno() -1)]
       print linelist
       print "Deleted %s line(s) containing pattern in %s" % (num_matches, 

So this will do the search on the file you specify at runtime, look for the 
pattern you specify, and print out a list of the lines with the matching line 
removed. Now I need to write these lines back to the original file. Don't have 
that part yet...:-(

----- Original Message ----
From: wormwood_3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Python Tutorlist <>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 11:33:48 PM
Subject: [Tutor]  deleting one line in multiple files

I think the problem is that the original script you borrowed looks at the file 
passed to input, and iterates over the lines in that file, removing them if 
they match your pattern. What you actually want to be doing is iterating over 
the lines of your list file, and for each line (which represents a file), you 
want to open *that* file, do the check for your pattern, and delete 

Hope I am not completely off:-)

If I am right so far, you want to do something like:

import fileinput

for file in fileinput.input("filelist.list", inplace=1):
    curfile =
    for line in curfile:
        line = line.strip()
        if not '<script type'in line:
            print line

BUT, fileinput was made (if I understand the documentation) to avoid having to 
do this. This is where the sys.argv[1:] values come in. The example on this 
page (look under "Processing Each Line of One or More Files:
The fileinput Module") helped clarify it to me: If you do:

% python "<script type" `ls`
This should pass in all the items in the folder you run this in (be sure it 
only contains the files you want to edit!), looking for "<script type". 
Continuing with the O'Reilly example:

import fileinput, sys, string
# take the first argument out of sys.argv and assign it to searchterm
searchterm, sys.argv[1:] = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]
for line in fileinput.input():
   num_matches = string.count(line, searchterm)
   if num_matches:                     # a nonzero count means there was a match
       print "found '%s' %d times in %s on line %d." % (searchterm, 
           fileinput.filename(), fileinput.filelineno())

To test this, I put the above code block in "", then made a file 
"test.txt" in the same folder, with some trash lines, and 1 line with the 
string you said you want to match on. Then I did:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python "<script type" test.txt 
found '<script type' 1 times in test.txt on line 3.

So you could use the above block, and edit the print line to also edit the file 
as you want, maybe leaving the print to confirm it did what you expect.

Hope this helps!

I have a directory of files, and I've created a file list
of the files I want to work on:

$ ls > file.list

Each file in file.list needs to have a line removed,
leaving the rest of the file intact.

I found this snippet on the Net, and it works fine for one file:

# the lines with '<script type' are deleted.
import fileinput

for line in fileinput.input("file0001.html", inplace=1):
    line = line.strip()
    if not '<script type'in line:
        print line

The docs say:
This iterates over the lines of all files listed in sys.argv[1:]...
I'm not sure how to implement the argv stuff.

However, the documentation also states:
To specify an alternative list of filenames,
pass it as the first argument to input().
A single file name is also allowed.

So, when I replace file0001.html with file.list (the alternative list
of filenames, nothing happens.

# the lines with '<script type' are deleted.
import fileinput

for line in fileinput.input("file.list", inplace=1):
    line = line.strip()
    if not '<script type'in line:
        print line

file.list has one filename on each line, ending with a newline.

Have I interpreted the documentation wrong?
The goal is to delete the line that has '<script type' in it.
I can supply more information if needed.
bhaaluu at gmail dot com
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