* Armand Nell (Wed, 26 Sep 2007 08:07:12 +0200)
> I am new to python programming and also the linux enviroment most of my
> skills are windows based and programming skills is visual basics. I decided
> that it would be a great start and new direction for me to learn python and
> at the same time linux. However I have already run into a wall, and any help
> would be appreciated even if you can direct me where to find the info or
> 'turor'.
> [...]
> In windows, if i write a program in Python and save it I then can simply
> double click the icon and the program will execute in a console window. Now
> under Fedoracore I write my program in gedit save it in my
> \home\(username)\python directory, when I double click it, it opens up agian
> in gedit. Now true it is maybe a simple error from me but mostly it is me
> that don't know how to work with python on linux.
> I would like to know how do I test(run) the programs I write under
> fedoracore?

It's exactly the same as with with Visual Basic ("visual basics? Are 
you sure you have experience in that language?") and Windows: run it 
in a command window (like "python myscript.py") or associate the file 
type (.py) with the program.

How you do that depends on your desktop environment (KDE or Gnome 
probably) but it shouldn't take you more than ten seconds to find out 
how to do it.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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