Thanks to the many voices supporting our decision to post to Tutor.
We only posted to the most directly relevant mailing lists (announce,
tutor, edusig).  As an introductory book, it seemed quite appropriate
for tutor.

In fact, the topic of our (developing) book was raised in a thread on
Tutor this past August 9/10th. Ironically, the topic at that time is
the same as that raised by Chris Calloway's question today, about the
$102 list price. 

The discrepency is because this is being published primarily as an
academic book through Prentice Hall's Education line (as opposed to
the Prentice Proffessional label that publishes books such as Wesley
Chun's Core Python Programming).  I'm not on the business side, so I
don't know that I understand all the factors; could be a combination
of the captive audience together with a lot of additional money spent
on sending review copies to educators and sending representatives to
campuses.  In any event, we believe that the book can be quite useful
outside the traditional classroom for new programmers or those new to
object-oriented programming.

Best regards,

On Tuesday November 6, 2007, jay wrote: 

>    I agree as well.  Its not like there is a flood of these books coming
>    out, or emails slamming the list announcing them.
>    Jay
>    On Nov 6, 2007 1:38 PM, Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    > Rikard Bosnjakovic wrote:
>    > > On 06/11/2007, Michael H. Goldwasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    > >
>    > >>    We are pleased to announce the release of a new Python book.
>    > >
>    > > [...yadayada...]
>    > >
>    > > I thought this list was supposed to be clean from commercial 
> advertisements.
>    >
>    > I don't think there is a specific rule about that. I'm happy to have
>    > on-topic announcements which I think this is. IIRC I announced the new
>    > edition of Learning Python and Wesley Chun announced the new edition of
>    > his book, Core Python.
>    >
>    > Kent

On Tuesday November 6, 2007, Chris Calloway wrote: 

>    Michael H. Goldwasser wrote:
>    >    We are pleased to announce the release of a new Python book.
>    Why is this book $102?
>    -- 
>    Sincerely,
>    Chris Calloway
>    office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 962-4323
>    mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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