Easy enough.  You'll want to import the random module and use the functions
in it.  Also, http://docs.python.org/lib/lib.html is going to be your best
friend.  You'll notice on that page among many other things is a section on
random number generation.

As to your code:

>>>import random
>>>a = random.randint(1,20)

On Dec 4, 2007 12:56 PM, earlylight publishing <

> Hello All,
> I'm a bare beginner to python (or indeed) any programming.  I'm helping
> myself become more proficient by making a text adventure game.  The problem
> is I need a function (or module) that will generate a random number within a
> range, say 1-20 for example.  The ability to program this is beyond my
> meager abilities at the moment but I'd really like to get started.  Would
> anyone out there be willing to provide me the code for me?  Or at least
> point me in the right direction for finding it myself?
> :-)
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