On Wednesday 02 January 2008 09:41:46 am Alan Gauld wrote:

> I tried to fined a decent GUI builder for wxPython but failed.
> There are two or three available but none of them really worked
> all that well. SPE seemed the best of a poor bunch.
> However...
> > Take a look at Dabo
> > www.dabodev.com
> This looked promising but doesn't use the standard wxPython
> widget set (this was also why I didn't choose PythonCard!), you have
> to learn the Dabo API. But coming from PythonCard you would
> have to learn the wxPython API anyway so that may not be an
> issue for you.
> Alan G.

Dabo does use slightly different names (in most cases) but is nothing more 
than subclasses of the wxPython.  And of course Dabo does nothing to prevent 
the programmer from using wxPython directly.  

The work is learning how to use the subclasses with all of the added 
properties and attributes.

John Fabiani
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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