Thanks for all the help, Dabo looks interesting, but perhaps a bit overkill
right now for what I have in mind. Certainly something useful to learn in
the long run, though.

I suppose with any GUI toolkit/builder, you're going to have learn some part
of the API anyway. I might just see how I go with wxPython for now.

Best regards,

On Jan 3, 2008 2:58 AM, johnf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 02 January 2008 09:41:46 am Alan Gauld wrote:
> > I tried to fined a decent GUI builder for wxPython but failed.
> > There are two or three available but none of them really worked
> > all that well. SPE seemed the best of a poor bunch.
> >
> > However...
> >
> > > Take a look at Dabo
> > >
> >
> > This looked promising but doesn't use the standard wxPython
> > widget set (this was also why I didn't choose PythonCard!), you have
> > to learn the Dabo API. But coming from PythonCard you would
> > have to learn the wxPython API anyway so that may not be an
> > issue for you.
> >
> > Alan G.
> Dabo does use slightly different names (in most cases) but is nothing more
> than subclasses of the wxPython.  And of course Dabo does nothing to
> prevent
> the programmer from using wxPython directly.
> The work is learning how to use the subclasses with all of the added
> properties and attributes.
> --
> John Fabiani
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