time.sleep is not exactly accurate, so I would suggest that you use this 
method, short 5 minutes or so and then do a sleep(10) or so in a loop to get 
closer to the time.

>>import time
>>b = '20:00:00'
>>(bhour, bmin, bsec) = b.split(':')
>>bsec = int(bsec) + int(bmin)*60 + int(bhour)*360
>>while True:
>>     act = time.localtime()
>>     actsec = act.tm_sec + act.tm_min*60 + act.tm_hour*360
>>     wait = bsec - actsec
>>     if wait < 0:
>>         wait += 360*24 # it will be tomorrow
>>     time.sleep(wait)
>>     print 'I am doing!'
>>     break
> Ah, very nice! (But all the '360's should be '3600', of course.)
> Thanks, Janos.
> Dick
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