Y'all have been so good with suggestions on my programming problems in the 
past, I wonder if anyone could provide a suggestion on a more general topic.

I'd like to get away from using Microsoft Access.  I have a number of Access 
databases to convert.

My needs are:

1.  A relational database management system for a single user (i.e, I don't 
need client/server and all the extra baggage that goes with it).  The RDMS must 
be able to handle graphics objects.

2.  Open source with a decent track record.

3.  A good GUI front end for creating the database, creating forms for user 
data input, queries, reports, etc.

4.  Smart enough to easily read and convert an Access (.mdb) database file.

5.  And, everything either in Python or with APIs that Python can easily use.

Has anyone used products that would meet my needs?



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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