Oops, I meant to say that django "has EXCELLENT documentation"

Take care,

On 11/25/08, Don Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Welcome! I suggest you take a look at django [1]. You'll find that it
> has documentation [2] and an active developer community [3]. Of
> course, for your questions about learning python, you've already found
> a very helpful community : >)
> Take care,
> Don
> [1]  http://www.djangoproject.com/
> [2] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/
> [3] http://www.djangoproject.com/community/
> On 11/25/08, Jason DeBord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> This is my first message on the mailing list. I am excited to get started
>> developing content / backend for the web with Python.
>> I have a background in PHP, but am convinced that Python is a better, more
>> powerful language.
>> I am on a Windows XP machine and I have been using XAMPP for server, php,
>> mysql...
>> I installed Python 2.5 and mod_python successfully. I can serve pages with
>> .py extension to http://localhost .
>> The following for example:
>> from mod_python import apache
>> def handler(req):
>>     req.write("Hello World!")
>>     return apache.OK
>> Frankly, I don't understand what is going on in the above. This is a bit
>> different compared to what I am used to.
>> So, my question, would you all please point me to some introductory
>> resources, tutorials, books, that focus on Python programming for the web?
>> I
>> am eventually going to interface with some web services, notably Amazon
>> Web
>> Services. Also, I'd like to write some server side scripts to serve as a
>> backend to some Adobe AIR apps.
>> Any and all advice is extremely appreciated.
>> Thanks for your time!
>> Sincerely,
>> Jason
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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