Thanks for all your continued insights on this. I'm going to investigate the
.configure log, as well as look around at other readline packages.. But,
noob question, did you just go into something like synaptic to find out what
readline type packages are installed? (Sorry if this is annoying anyone on
the list, but its all in the name of getting the Python inerpreter to be
happy !) Or did you do some kind of command line aptitude "list out readine

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Lie Ryan <> wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 09:27:34 +0300, زياد بن عبدالعزيز الباتلي wrote:
> > On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 20:19:56 -0700
> > Eric Dorsey <> wrote:
> >> I did an aptitute install of  ibreadline5-dev and then did ./configure
> >> and make again, and still don't have any functionality to be able to
> >> hit up-arrow and get a command repeated while inside the interpreter.
> >> Any ideas?
> >>
> >>
> > I don't know what's wrong, Python should pickup "libreadline" and use it
> > automatically if it was installed.
> >
> > Try passing "--with-readline" to the "configure" script.
> >
> > If that doesn't help, then I'm sorry, I'm out of ideas.
> >
> Try installing other readline modules that looks suspicious. In my Ubuntu
> machine (these are all readline-related modules in my machine, not only
> the ones that is needed for python), I have these packages installed:
> v   lib32readline-dev    -
> v   libghc6-readline-dev -
> v   libghc6-readline-doc -
> v   libghc6-readline-prof-
> v   libreadline-dbg      -
> v   libreadline-dev      -
> i   libreadline5         - GNU readline and history libraries, run-ti
> i A libreadline5-dev     - GNU readline and history libraries, develo
> i   readline-common      - GNU readline and history libraries, common
> try matching that and ./configure then make.
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