OK, got the very basic case to work when using Beautiful Soup 3.0.7a and 
scraping the Weather Underground Lite page.  That gives me the current 
temperature, etc.  Good.

But now I would like the average temperature from, say, yesterday.  I am again 
having trouble finding elements in the soup.  This is the code:

import urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

url = 
page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

table = soup.find("td",id="dataTable tm10")
print table


When I look at the page source for that page, there is this section, which 
contains the "dataTable tm10" table I want to zoom in on:
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="dataTable tm10">
                <td style="width: 25%;">&nbsp;</td>
  <span class="nobr"><span class="b">73.6</span>&nbsp;&#176;F</span>
  <span class="nobr"><span class="b">83.3</span>&nbsp;&#176;F</span>
  <span class="nobr"><span class="b">64.2</span>&nbsp;&#176;F</span>
  <span class="nobr"><span class="b">74.1</span>&nbsp;&#176;F</span>

And yet when I run the above code, what it prints is:

>> None

In other words, it is not finding that table.  Why?  

Help appreciated again.

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