2009/9/15 Warren <war...@wantonhubris.com>:
>> Does TextMate support input into a running Python program? I'm not
>> sure if it supports standard input. You might have to run the program
>> from Terminal to get this to work.
> Good question, Kent.  That might be the root of all of this pain.  I'll
> experiment when I get a chance...
> - Warren
> (war...@wantonhubris.com)
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As I mentioned in my earlier response, the only way I could replicate
the error was to pipe the file into python, disconnecting (I'm
guessing) the stdin stream from the terminal:

$ cat test.py
$ cat test.py | python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
EOFError: EOF when reading a line

(I also tested the script in the OP, and got identical output to that
This supports Kent's suggestion in a way, although maybe for a
slightly different reason.

Rich "Roadie Rich" Lovely

There are 10 types of people in the world: those who know binary,
those who do not, and those who are off by one.
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