"Alex Hall" <mehg...@gmail.com> wrote

I am not sure how else to explain it. I want to loop until the value
of a variable changes, but while that loop is taking place, the user
should be able to perform actions set up in a wx.AcceleratorTable.

And here we have the critical clue. You are trying to write this
loop in a GUI application. GUIs and long running loops don't
mix. GUIs are driven by events and if you write a long loop
the GUI cannot receive any events until the loop finishes
and so "locks up"

In a GUI environment you simulate a long loop with
1) A Timer event that does someting then sets up another timer
2) The null event (if the framework suipports it) whereby
when no other events are present the framework calls your code.

for a "listener", which will sit in the background and only perform an
action when it detects a certain thing. In this case, a listener to
watch for a variable to turn from False to True, then to act when it
sees that change.

The listener sits inside a Timer that fires every, say, 1/10 sec.
That should leave plenty time to respond to the variable change
and give wx time to process any mouse clicks, key presses etc.

BTW. If you are doing any significant GUI work in wxPython
it will be helpful to buy the wxPython in Action book. It is very
clear and includes examples of using Timers etc.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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