~So is it better to learn 1 programming language first, then learn
another. Or better to pretty much learn them at the same time? And why?

First, I think python is a bit underrated for creating "real" applications. I'm amazed again and again by it's power on all programming scales (e.g. quick and dirty csv-file hacks, medium scripts to bigger app with gui (e.g. pyqt is unbelievable powerful) and database-connections). So, I hardly see something of an urge for learning c++. Python will bring you a looooooong way.

Then, I think when learning to programm, there're two big levels. Level one is to learn the language syntax, basic algorithms, data types, etc.. The second level is how to design larger programs. How to make them as easy and clear to understand (and to maintain) as possible. You'll find yourself thinking about what to place where in the code, read stuff about OO-Programming and Design Patterns etc.. I'm currently at this level. So, if you start learning another language, it will broaden your level 1 skills, but I think it'll be more valuable to become better at level 2. So, once you're familiar with python, I would start creating some bigger apps. One thing to keep in mind is that python has a lot of patterns build in due to its dynamic typing and first class callables. A lot of things can be expressed much easier with python than with Java or C++. That will leave you more brain power for innovation. But for the pure sake of learning design patterns, Java might be a candidate.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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