On 2:59 PM, Bill DeBroglie wrote:
No, I meant that you should edit your .py file and add
#!/usr/bin/env python
as the first line, THEN try to run it.


Right now what's happening is that you're handing a line of Python script to the shell and asking it to run it; the shell is telling you (oh-so-politely) "what the hell is this?" You need to give it a clue.

Thank you for the translation. So I need to do this with every .py file? My friend who was helping me (he's only been at this a few months) doesn't need to do this. Is that possible or is he just misleading me?

Two times you wouldn't need such a line:

1) in Windows, where file extension determines what the shell will do with the file 2) when you explicitly run the script by naming the python executable, such as:

   python  chapter_2.py

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