This is very interesting to me - the below excerpt is something I was trying to do for one of my programs and gave up on it:

A fifth approach, common in some other languages, is to return some arbitrary value, and set an error flag. The caller then has to write code like this:

result = function(arguments)
if not last_result_error:
    # no error occurred
    print "result is", result

If you do this, I will *personally* track you down and beat you to death with a rather large fish.


I think I was trying to do something like thius at the end of a function I wrote-

return 2  or return my_special_integer_mvar

and then do something or other depending on this value once it passes back to calling function or main(). I think I used similar code as you have above. It didn't go well and also there seemed to be a problem related to where I was returning this value _to_ (where I actually placed this snippet of code like you wrote above) - a function or module I wrote or main().

So, could you expand on this for me? I would have to dig around to find the actual program I was working on.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Steven D'Aprano" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] How to handle exceptions raised inside a function?

Richard D. Moores wrote:
Please take a look at 2 functions I just wrote to calculate the
harmonic and geometric means of lists of positive numbers:

Both Hlist and Glist must contain only positive numbers, so I really
need to test for this inside each function. But is there a good way to
do this? What should the functions return should a non-positive number
be detected? Is there a conventional Pythonic way to do this?

There are two basic approaches to handling errors in Python:

(1) Don't do any error checking at all. If the input is bad, an exception will (hopefully!) be raised. Provided you know that bad input *will* lead to an exception, and not just plausible-looking but incorrect result, this is often the simplest way.

(2) If you don't trust that a sensible exception will be raised, then do your own error checking, and raise an exception.

For numeric work, another approach is to return a floating point NAN ("Not A Number"). Unfortunately Python doesn't give any standard way to specify *which* NAN is returned, but you can return float("nan") to return one of them.

A fourth approach, rare in Python, is to return some sort of magic value to indicate an exceptional case. Just about the only example of this I can think of is string.find(), which returns -1 to indicate "not found".

A fifth approach, common in some other languages, is to return some arbitrary value, and set an error flag. The caller then has to write code like this:

result = function(arguments)
if not last_result_error:
    # no error occurred
    print "result is", result

If you do this, I will *personally* track you down and beat you to death with a rather large fish.


For what it's worth, I have a module of statistics functions (shameless plug: and -- feedback and bug reports welcome) that includes the harmonic and geometric mean. My harmonic mean looks like this:

def harmonic_mean(data):
        m = mean(1.0/x for x in data)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        return 0.0
    if m == 0.0:
        return math.copysign(float('inf'), m)
    return 1/m

Notice that if the data includes one or more zeroes, the harmonic mean itself will be zero: limit as x->0 of 1/x -> infinity, and 1/infinity -> 0. If the sum of reciprocals itself cancels to zero, I return the infinity with the appropriate sign. The only exceptions that could occur are:

* mean will raise ValueError if the data is empty;
* if an argument is non-numeric, TypeError will occur when I take the reciprocal of it.

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